Milwaukee Lunar Reclamation Society - Founded November 1986

 MLRS-MSDMO Joint Cbapter

NSS - TMS Joint Chapter

The sense in which we use the word "Reclamation"
As of October 16, 2013, the Milwaukee Lunar Reclamation Society (NSS) is a Joint Chapter serving both National Space Society and Moon Society members in SE Wisconsin..

MLRS was a proud cosponsor of the first Moonbase Exercise at the Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, Feb. 26 - March 12, 2006 as crew #45. The three Principal Sponsors were the Moon Society, the Milwaukee Lunar-Reclamation Society and the National Space Society.
Review our exploits on the "Artemis Moonbase Sim 1" website.

About Us - Home
Moon Miners' Manifesto
Displays on hand
Public Speaking
Painting Experiments
Experimental Lunar Agriculture
National Space Society
Space-Milwaukee Our local Meet-up
Moon Society


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On the West Shore of Mare Michigansis