Artemis Research    2.12.3

By Ehsan Noursalehi




Shelter for Living on the Moon









Initial Obstacles


The truth of the matter is that initial obstacles are everything right now. Numerous ideas and patents have been created for developing intricate systems of constructing, harvesting, manufacturing, and transporting on the moon. Unfortunately, all of these ideas serve no application until an initial settlement can be constructed. Yet, before a settlement can be constructed, it must be proven that first, a group of astronauts can make it to the moon and spend several days on the surface. It will be a slow progression, but it must be made before all of these ideas can change from fantasy to reality.

Overtime, astronauts must make longer and longer visits to the moon (utilizing there spaceship as a shelter). Eventually, a group of astronauts must be left on the moon for a period of time in an alternative shelter (apart form the spaceship). Due to the fact that NASA has not even made it to the moon in the recent era, this initial task seems to be an extremely difficult one on its own. Yet, this only encompasses a preliminary process on how to prove that “maybe” a temporary settlement on the moon is even possible. 


Future Settlement Plans

·      Slag from all-isotope (Dr. Peter Schubert)

Slag from all-isotope is a method which Dr. Schubert of Packer Engineering has patented



Billings, Tom. "Lunar Lavatube Use." THE ARTEMIS PROJECT Shelter for Living on the Moon: Section 2.12.3 (2004): The Artemis Society International 7 July 2006 < >.


Mook, William J. "Building In-Situ Lunar Cities." THE ARTEMIS PROJECT Shelter for Living on the Moon: Section 2.12.3 (2004): The Artemis Society International 7 July 2006 < >.


Schrunk, David; Burton Sharpe; and Bonnie Cooper; Madhu Thangavelu. "The Moon: Resources, Future Development, and Colonization." Series in Space Science and Technology Wiley-Praxis: John Wiley & Sons.


Sellerss, Jerry J. "Understanding Space: An Introduction to Astronautics." Space Technology Series Second Edition: The McGraw-Hill Companies, INC.