Megan LaBahn
Waste Management- Outline
I. Waste Management on Earth:
A. Water
1. Primary treatment
a. Pumping and containment (7)
a. Pumped from sources to holding tanks (7)
b. Pipes and holding tanks must be made of strong anti-rust materials (7)
b. Screening (7)
a. Removes large debris (7)
i. Sticks (7)
ii. Leaves (7)
b. Most deep groundwater can skip this step (7)
c. Storage (7)
a. Water from rivers stored in bank side reservoirs (7)
i. Anywhere between a few days to months (7)
ii. Allows natural biological purification to occur (7)
b. Provides backup water supply (7)
i. Drought (7)
ii. Water pollution incidents (7)
d. Pre-conditioning (7)
a. Uses common ion effect (7)
b. Treated with Soda-ash to remove calcium carbonate (7)
e. Pre-chlorination (7)
a. Chlorine added to minimize organism growth (7)
b. Has adverse affects so rarely used now (7)
2. Secondary treatment (7)
a. Ph-adjustment
a. Lime or soda-ash is added to adjust the Ph level (7)
b. Slightly alkaline water reduces risk of lead being dissolved in from pipes (7)
b. Coagulation and Flocculation (7)
a. Bonds particles together (7)
b. Causes them to stick to filter or settle out (7)
c. Coagulation works by eliminating charges (7)
d. Common coagulate is Aluminum Sulfate and forms aluminum hydroxide(7)
c. Flocculation (7)
a. IsnŐt filtered but rather allows the particles to settle out (7)
b. Works slower than Coagulation and Flocculation (7)
d. Sedimentation (7)
a. Water enters the sedimentation bin (7)
b. Minimum is usually four hours (7)
c. The deeper the basin the faster the process (7)
e. Filtration (7)
a. Most common is rapid sand filter (7)
b. Contains a layer of activated carbon (7)
3. Tertiary treatment
a. Disinfection is normally the last step (7)
b. Destroys pathogens (7)
a. Viruses (7)
b. Bacteria (7)
i. G. Lamblia
ii. E. Coli
c. Common disinfecting agents
a. Chlorine
b. UV Radiation
c. O-zone (O3)
B. Solids
1. What is solid waste (4)
a. Product packaging (4)
b. Grass clippings (4)
c. Furniture (4)
d. Clothing (4)
e. Bottles (4)
f. Food scraps (4)
g. Newspaper (4)
h. Batteries (4)
2. Process
a. Landfills (5)
a. Municipal Solid Waste (5)
i. Flexible membrane underlay (5)
1. protects groundwater contamination (5)
2. Two feet of clay (5)
ii. Covered with soil (5)
1. several inches (5)
2. reduces odor (5)
b. Bioreactors (5)
i. Speeds up decomposition (5)
1. water (5)
2. air (5)
ii. Used on organic waste (5)
c. Construction and demolition of debris (5)
i. Collects specific materials (5)
1. Concrete (5)
2. Asphalt (5)
3. Roofing shingles(5)
4. Metals (5)
5. Certain plastics(5)
ii. Generally safer due to the type of materials collected (5)
d. Industrial Waste (5)
i. Non-hazardous Industrial materials (5)
ii. Waste from the production of goods (5)
b. Burn (2)
a. Waste Reduction rates
i. 90% by volume (6)
ii. 75% by waste (6)
b. Can convert water to steam (6)
i. Fuel heating systems (6)
ii. Generate electricity (6)
c. Pollution reduction
i. Filters (6)
ii. Scrubbers (6)
d. 10% of ash is then re-used (6)
i. Road construction (6)
ii. Cover landfills (6)
c. Composting (4)
a. Turns waste into humus (4)
b. Can suppress pests and plant disease (4)
c. Is nutrient rich (4)
d. Protects from erosion (4)
3. Specifications
a. 4.6 pounds per person per day in the US (2)
b. 23% of Solid waste is yard trimmings and food scraps (4)
C. Bio-waste
1. What is it?
a. Garden Waste
b. Organic Industrial Waste
c. Forrest and Sawmill Waste
d. Agricultural Waste
2. Safety
a. without oxygen causes methane
3. Procedure
a. Composting
4. Specifications
a. represents up to 50% of the solid waste stream (1)
D. Hazardous Waste
1. What is hazardous waste
a. ItŐs classifications (2)
b. Common Hazardous Waste products (2)
2. Procedure
a. In certain cases bury (2)
b. In certain cases burn (2)
3. specifications
II. Problems on the Moon
A. No Oxygen
1. Effects
a. Bio-waste creates Methane
b. Decomposition
c. Burning compost
B. No Atmosphere
1. effects
a. Necessary gases needed to be replenished
b. Air contamination
C. Little Gravity
1. effects
a. Impossible to compost
b. Things could float away
c. Dust particles could clog
d. Water filtering
III. Solutions to problems on the Moon
A. Oxygen
1. Plants
2. Nitrogen oxide
3. Carbon dioxide
4. Mining oxygen
B. Atmosphere
1. Bubble community (Hiedi)
2. Provided gases (Hiedi)
3. Plants (Hiedi)
4. Nitrogen Oxide Scrubber (Hiedi)
a. Uses ammonia
b. Removes nitrogen
5. Carbon Dioxide Scrubber (Hiedi)
a. Apollo 13
b. Filters
6. Odor Filtering (Hiedi)
a. Air freshener
b. Conditions air
7. Humidity Control (Hiedi)
8. Mining Oxygen (Hiedi)
C. Little Gravity
1. Pressure chambers
2. Water filtering must be done with forced water pressure
IV. Questions Needed to be Answered
A. What materials will be brought to the moon?
1. Specifications of those materials
a. mass
b. density
c. specific heat
d. ect.
B. What resources will be available on the moon?
1. Specifications of those resources
a. Mass
b. Density
c. Specific heat
d. ect.
1. "BioWaste: a Positive Impact." Living Earth. 2003. 21 July 2006 <,;jsessionid=CFEE72F2CCBF1ADA069F7C08A881CF6C>.
2. "Garbage: How Can My Community Reduce Waste." Learner.Org. 21 July 2006 <>.
3. "Water Recycling and Reuse: the Environmental Benifits." United States Environmental Protection Agency. 27 Feb. 2006. Environmental Protection Agency. 24 July 2006 <>.
4. "Municipal Solid Waste." United States Environmental Protection Agency. 22 Feb. 2006. Environmental Protection Agency. 24 July 2006 <>.
5. "Solid Waste Landfills." United States Environmental Protection Agency. 22 Feb. 2006. 24 July 2006 <>.
6. "Solid Waste Combustion/Incineration." United States Environmental Protection Agency. 18 Apr. 2006. Environmental Protection Agency. 24 July 2006 <>.
7. "Water Purification." Wikipedia. 22 July 2006. 24 July 2006 <>.