A central focus of MM “Manifesto” from
the start has been to show how, using lunar resources, pioneers can
make themselves “at home” on the Moon. This will include psychological,
physiological, social and cultural adjustment to living in the Lunar
environment, perceived by us outsiders as “alien.”
It is crucial that pioneers, people who
may or may not have originally come “for a tour of duty” but have
decided to stay, must get to that stage where they are “at home” on the
Moon, comfortable with it, feeling secure. Staffing a settlement with
recruits for limited tours of duty will not promote this transformation
into a population of “Lunans” unless there is an aggressive strategy of
perks that keep personnel happy, while minimizing homesickness and
encouraging an increasing comfort level with this new setting.
Without such perks, recruits will be discouraged
from “re-upping” or reenlisting or “going permanent.”
Once we are building new habitat and
activity modules from made-on-Luna building materials, we can get well
beyond the “sardine-can” era of early outposts. Real elbow room and
ample private space will be essential. We need to emphasize “contact”,
visual, and activity wise with the Moon: windows, sunshine access, and
abundant interior vegetation to keep the air fresh and sweet.
We will need to develop a varied and
interesting developing cuisine using plants, herbs, and spices grown on
location. Regolith-derived art media will allow us to personalize
interior spaces with frontier made accessories of basalt, ceramic,
glass, lunar cement, and locally made alloys.
We need to invent and develop one
sixth-G sports as well as dance forms. We need to be able to enjoy
uniquely Lunan performances as they will help bond us to the lunar
setting. Recreation inside, “middoors”, and “out-vac” will allow us to
be fully human in any lunar setting.
We need to establish multiple outposts,
multiple settings -- getaway places with climate variety,
flora and fauna variety, different architectural styles, differing
cuisines, etc. We all need to “getaway” once in a while, and we have to
enable that form of relief on the Moon itself. “ settlement a world
doth not make!”
It is not enough to humanize our
interior living spaces. We need to adopt the surrounding raw lunar
surface outside our habitats and integrate it into our living space. If
we do not, we will continue to feel feel that we are in a
alien environment. In short, we need to feel “at home” on the surface
as well as indoors.
We need to be comfortable with the
Moon’s rhythms, the slow pace of the dayspan-nightspan cycle. Our
productive activities will have to get in step with that pace as
available energy will wax and wane accordingly. Even if we have a
back-up nuke, we will still have more available energy during dayspan
when solar energy is also available. This rhythm will impose a
fortnightly change of pace, something we bet pioneers will come to
We need to find ways to counter the
“black sky blues.” Out on the lunar surface, We will develop ever more
enjoyable substitutes for outdoor hobbies and activities that we had to
leave behind on Earth.
In other words, we need to find, create,
or develop substitutes for everything we enjoyed on Earth that cannot
be imported “as is” from Earth, simply because the Moon is such a
drastically different environment. If we fail to do so, life on the
Moon will giver rise to many kids of psychological disorders. We must
strip the Moon of its alienness by doing what we can to meet her
halfway. I firmly believe we can rise to the occasion!
Introducing “perks” in the first outposts
The most critical moonbase system to
success is the human one. Our goal of breaking out of the
outpost trap towards settlement, means finding ways to encourage
personnel to willingly re-up, stay for “another tour” without limit, so
long as health of the individual and of the crew at large is not an
issue. These measures will:
increase morale and improve performance
promote willingness to re-up so as to give the weight
allowance for his not-needed replacement to valuable imports of
materials and equipment, especially tools and equipment to fabricate
and experiment
create a plan for outpost expansion of modules, the
facilities they house and activities they enable
We must provide for a
full range of human activities:
getaway “change of scenery” spaces and out-places both
within the outpost and with outlying stations in easy reach.
customizing options for personal quarters
menu diversity and variety, including fresh salad stuffs
and vegetables on occasion
schedule breaks (take advantage of the dayspan/ nightspan
cycle for regular changes of pace such as a alternating types of work
and recreation
allow fraternization between crew members, without
harassment. An outpost should not be a monastery.
promote expression of artistic and craftsman instincts
using local materials and media. We will remain forever
“strangers in a strange land” to the extent we confine ourselves to
things made on Earth.
Experiment with lunar sports and other recreational
activities. Lunar-unique sports and performing arts - are things that
make crew begin to “feel at home”.
out-vac sport & recreation on the surface, learning
to do so safely, one step at a time.
an indulgent spa and an exercise gym
telecasts to Earth of everything unique and special
“while you are here” opportunities for excursion
exploration and “tourist” experienced and memories
All this both presupposes and prepares
for an orderly expansion beyond the original core-function and space
limits of the original outpost. It’s what we need to do to “breakout of
the Outpost Trap.”
Point by Point
Made-on-Luna Habitat
& Activity Expansion Modules
Lunar concrete, glass-glass composites
and iron, aluminum, magnesium, and titanium alloys are materials
science technologies that need to be pre-developed now using lunar
simulant feedstocks. We cannot afford to expand by bringing these
heavyweight structures from Earth. Inflatables may be a stopgap way of
providing expansion space early on, but are still too expensive for
building real settlements. We need to develop a modular language that
will lend itself to a great variety of layouts. That language should be
open-ended. The very awareness that one has begun to “live of the lunar
land” in this major way will reduce our sense of alienation, and
increase our sense of security.
Towards a modular
Centralized biological life support
systems (BLSS) such as Biosphere II involve a lot of effort that
quickly becomes useless as it precludes growth. These made-on-Luna
modules should each incorporate a significant biospheric element,
pretreating toilet wastes and using vegetation to refresh the air. With
this design constraint, the growth of the pressurized physical complex
will not outpace the growth of the biospheric life support system, and
new modules can incorporate improved systems, so that the total
biosphere becomes ever larger and more collapse-resistant. With such a
system, short term crew as well as the long-term pioneers that follow
will grow ever more confident that their presence on the Moon is
well-founded and hearty.
This 110 sq. ft. (9 sq/ m/) "living wall" unit purifies all the air
within a 7,500 sq. ft. (700 sq. m.) building
Beyond a minimum
“balanced nutrition” diet
There have been many studies of how we
could provide balanced nutrition with a minimum number of crops. That’s
certainly a useless dead-end avenue of investigation. Nothing is more
essential to good morale than good food. And by good food, we mean
tasty food and a goodly variety of it. If we need to trim the list, we
should concentrate first on those foodstuffs that can be served and
prepared in the greatest variety of ways -- potatoes being near the top
in that regard. We also need to grow herbs, spices, and salad stuffs
that can be eaten fresh as well as lending themselves to a wide variety
of cooked dishes. We might have to settle for a closet-sized growth
chamber for starters, but surely, no-one is going to leave Earth in
their rear view mirror something that approximates solyent green or
algae mush. A starter list of choices can always be complemented by
privately grown specialty items, even in a small outpost. As the
settlement grows, this will become a great opportunity for “cottage
industry” - think jams, condiments, etc.
Keeping physically fit
It never ceases to amaze me how many
pro-space people equate 1/6th-G with zero-G. The difference, at least
mathematically, is infinite. Muscle tone will decay of course, but then
level off at a plateau appreciably higher than is the case for those
spending many months in Earth-orbit or free space.
At first, “keeping fit” will mean
keeping in shape to return to Earth ready to resume normal activities
when one gets back. But as temporary crews slowly transition to a
population that includes a significant percentage of permanent
pioneers, “keeping fit” will mean what it should, able to work and play
with relative ease in what will have become one’s home environment.
Terrestrial sports transplanted to the Moon will
be just absurd caricatures of the sports we now enjoy. We need to
invent sports forms that are interesting to watch and fun to play in an
environment where gravity and traction are greatly reduced, while
momentum and impact force remain the same. We could start now, with a
computer program based on those parameters, applied to both sports and
choreography. Future Lunans will miss terrestrial sports and dance
less, the sooner they can enjoy sports and dance designed for the lunar
environment. The morale boost will apply to players and performers as
well as to spectators. Lunar sports, lunar acrobatics, lunar dance and
ice-skating forms may gain an audience back on Earth via live or canned
telecasts and the Internet.
But we do need to provide special gyms
and devices whereby one who wants to maintain an Earth-fit state, to do
so. It is one thing to appreciate how much one has adapted to the Moon,
another to feel trapped on the Moon because one has lost his/her Earth
muscles. The simplest way to retain one’s original muscle tone is by
isometric exercises that pit muscle against muscle rather than muscle
against gravity. exercise in a banked floor rotating gym at variable
rates would be an advanced way to preserve one’s “Earth legs.”
Settlement climate, flora
and fauna, even wildlife are wide open choices
As we are talking about contained
climates and ecosystems, we can control the settlement climate and
seasons. Not everyone enjoys the same climate. While many snowbelters
yearn to relocate further south, this writer cannot tolerate heat with
humidity, and would rather go further north. Because settlements will
have a great measure of control over these things, even apart from
cultural and architectural differences, the Moon need not be a world
where “once you’ve seen one lunar settlement, you’ll have seen them
all.” Not only will variety in these areas work to increase the typical
length of an Earth tourist visit by lengthening the itinerary, it will
give future Lunans more places to get away to for a welcome change of
It is not enough to be
“at home” inside one’s homestead and settlement
If this is all one accomplishes, a residual
uncomfortableness with the barren, hostile moonscapes outside --
“out-vac” -- may remain. Some will feel imprisoned, and even dread
venturing abroad. But there are ways, analogous to how we are learning
to do this here on Earth, to both “bring the outside indoors” and “take
the indoors outside.” For example we could create indoor garden spaces
in Zen fashion, using raw regolith (sifted of its ultra fine powder
fraction) and lunar stones and boulders, in a cast basalt pan.
Art accessories can be made of carved
basalt or cast basalt, lunar raw blackish glass, etc. We could do
something similar outside airlocks using stone or cast basalt “patio”
furniture and sculptures. Both approaches would help create a visual
transition between exterior surface and interior decor. Once could even
create a glass enclosed water feature outside. This will be easier in
shaded places with greatly reduced thermal exposure.
Inside, “middoors”,
“lee-vac”, “out-vac”
Here on Earth, we commonly think of just
two spaces, indoors and outdoors. However, we are all familiar with a
transition space - the walkway commons of enclosed shopping malls. In
this example, “indoors” would refer to the interior of the various
shops and stores. In a settlement with modular residences, offices,
schools etc., interconnected by pressurized walkways, vehicular
conduits, and pressurized plazas, courtyards, and parks, these
interconnecting passages and spacious nodes/hubs form a sort of
“middoors” environment. The middoors could be allowed to cycle between
cooler and warmer periods in “moderated” synch with the outside or
“out-vac” thermal cycles of the exposed lunar surface. While individual
homesteads, offices, and other activity spaces could maintain a
constant climate, the middoors would moderate the changes occurring on
the surface, varying perhaps twenty degrees Fahrenheit, 36 degrees
Celsius above and below “room temperature. That is one of many options.
A third kind of environment, which in
turn moderates the thermal and radiation extremes of the fully exposed
surface is “lee-vac” (leeward of the cosmic weather.) An
example is a sheltered but unpressurized structure, canopy, or ramada
within which one is protected from the cosmic elements of radiation and
micrometeorite rain, as well as from the full heat of dayspan noon on
the exposed lunar surface. Lee-vac spaces would be ideal for
warehousing items and supplies that are accessed frequently. In such an
environment lighter weight pressure suits would be sufficient, allowing
much greater freedom of movement, greatly increasing the time one could
work without fatigue.
We can see such a sheltered, but
unpressurized sports complex. Sports designed especially for this
environment would be different from those designed for pressurized play
environments. pressurized spectator stands could line the interior side
walls of such sheltered and shielded fields could have large windows,
protected from meteorite impact. As these sports would be quite
distinct from those played in fully pressurized environments, creating
such sport environments would increase the variety of sports fare,
improving pioneer satisfaction with their adopted home world.
Unpressurized Lee-Vac Sports Arena
Finally, we can see development of
various kinds of sports and sporting activities for the naked exposed
lunar surface itself - the “out-vac.” This great variety of sports fare
crossing the boundaries of raw exposed lunar surface and settlement
interiors, would help psychologically integrate the lunar surface into
the overall pioneer lebensraum - living space. The result would an
increase in the average Lunan pioneer comfort zone, a
mitigation of a “trapped indoors” feeling, and a slow dissipation of
the initial tendency to feel like a “stranger in a strange land.”
a “unicycle ATV
For young people, regular school outings
onto the surface would help. And undoubtedly tourist surface excursions
will become the specialty of emergent enterprises, serving both
visitors from Old Earth and pioneers of the New Moon. Until this
familiarity and comfort level with the the raw host
environment develops, we can expect some incidence of exophobia to
develop, along with a feeling of being trapped.
Adaptations like this are nothing new to
humans. Take a person out of his/her native tropics and drop him/her
along the arctic coasts, and he/she might soon perish. Eskimos, Innuit,
Samoyeds are at home here. They learned to be at home. An initially
life-threatening environment is, for them, no longer to be feared.
Simply put, the have learned how to cope with the evident extremes and
dangers “as if by second nature.” When future pioneers have leaned how
to cope with conditions once perceived as hostile to life, and those
coping measures have become “second nature,” they will have become “at
home.” The Moon, for them, will have ceased to become a hostile,
inimical place. It will have become home. Such a transition will be
essential for their mental and psychological health. Those who cannot
make or resist making the transition will become failed settlers, and
will either return to Earth or become a burden to those who have
successfully transitioned.
The “Black Sky Blues”
One of the hardest things to get used to
in the lunar environment will be the black skies, at high dayspan noon
as well as at mid-nightspan. And they are black indeed. When the sun is
up, the glare off the moondust forces eye pupils to adjust to the point
where one cannot see the stars. We have evolved in the brilliant blue
day lit skies of Earth. Mars also has bright skies because unlike the
Moon, it has an appreciable atmosphere. Getting used to that black sky
may be harder for some than for others such as night owls who do not
like to get up until the sun has set. For the rest of us this could be
a problem.
Indoors, ceilings could be vaulted
instead of flat, painted a matte sky blue and uplit from cove mounted
bulbs. This would create welcome eye relief. This will be especially
welcome in high dome ceilinged middoor spaces such as settlement plazas
and park spaces.
Uplit matte sky blue awnings mounted on
the side of vehicles could give similar eye relief to those traveling
across the lunar surface. Remember, that with no air, there is no wind,
so unfurled awnings of this type should be no problem.
Taking the monotony out
of “Magnificent Desolation”
I have heard my Grandmother say (while
in northern New Mexico) that “when you’ve seen one mountain you’ve seen
them all.” For one whose soul as always been in the mountains (and not
the beaches, where indeed, one wave looks like every other) I can’t
sympathize with that. But unless we take care to educate future
pioneers how to read the shapes of craters, their width and depth, the
presence or absence of central peaks, the amount of debris on their
floors and on their flanks, they might get to feeling that “when you’ve
seen one crater, you’ve seen them all.” A good course in selenology and
feature appreciation will make the scapes along the road endlessly
interesting and thrilling. If we want our future Lunans to appreciate
their adopted home world rather than be forever bored by it, we have to
first learn how to appreciate it ourselves, and then learn how to pass
those insights and the spirit of endless wonder in others. I have run
into many Moon-enthusiasts who are really not at all familiar with the
Moon’s surface features, even the nearside ones. Get yourself a good
lunar telescope (wide angle, low to modest power) and start exploring,
learning names as you go along.
For Lunans, perhaps the most special
time to be abroad out on the lunar surface will be during what we call
a total lunar eclipse. During full eclipse (the umbra period), the only
light reaching the nearside lunar surface is sunlight filtered by the
dust in Earth’s atmosphere which appears as an orange halo in the lunar
sky. But more interesting than the sight of Earth as a lit halo, will
be the moonscapes themselves, ruddy in the dim light, looking much more
like Mars at dusk or just before dawn.
Surface architectures for Lunar habitats that pay homage to the
moonscape yet stand proud.
When it comes to visions of lunar
settlements, two clichés persist: a complex of molehill-like, mounds
of moondust covering trenched-in horizontal cylinders, and
giant glass or unobtanium domes encasing whole cities, skyscrapers and
all. The physical problems of the later make them most unlikely. On a
world with an unbreathable atmosphere of a density comparable to what
we will want to breath, there is no problem. But that much air pressure
facing vacuum outside would rip the dome from any restraints and send
it hurtling spaceward.
As to the “molehill” we could
conceivably give each the personal touch by simply raking it in
patterns, covering it with a lighter or darker variety of moondust,
covering it with lunar boulders with or without a pattern, and other
means. The question is “do we want to blend in or stand proud? Our bet
is that we can do both, using materials that blend in, but patterns
that by sheer regularity and design, stand proud. Our architectures in
so far as they show from above should pay homage to the host world,
rather than be statements of defiance. If we want to be at home, we
need to design accordingly.
Yet it should be possible to build
multistory fully shielded pressurized structures above the surface for
hotels and other uses, that pay homage in choice of materials and
colors, yet stand proud. The hotel below is a pyramid of torus stories
of decreasing outer diameter with a vertical elevator-containing
cylinder at the middle. An embossed caisson ring holds regolith in
place to shield every level.
A bit of Old Earth
It is one thing to leave Earth behind,
but quite another to leave one’s past behind. As expense as i it is to
import anything from Earth, pioneer volunteers should be given a weigh
and volume allowance to bring along treasured heirlooms or items of
great significance in one’s personal history. Say 100 pounds and 2
cubic feet give or take. Pioneers could sell or trade unused weight
allowances as some will want more, others need less.
These personal treasures will help tie
together their former and new lives. A complete break would be unwise
and become the breading ground for neurosis or psychosis. Some things,
such as photographs, can be brought along in electronic form. But
actual paintings, art objects, pieces of clothing, an heirloom
furniture item, must make the journey in the concrete, though with
enough shape, texture, and color information some items could be
recreated on the Moon as reasonable facsimiles.
A shopper’s paradise? Not
With imports from Earth being
astronomically expensive, and with initial lunar industries having a
relatively small market to serve, there will be few choices. Unless (1)
we produce only basic simple “standard issue” items and (2) we design
them to serve as is, but also to be modification friendly. Purchasers
could then give them a personal touch at their leisure, or, for those
with little time and/or talent, “issue” wears and wares could be
entrusted to talented craftsman and artists on commission to
personalize such items for the customer during free time before or
after day job duties.
Such a development could see the early
years of a settlement becoming a golden age for lunar craftsmen and
artists, all in the name of variety and choice, something we all value
as contributing to life satisfaction. Creating a home environment that
reflects our one personalities is a basic drive, creating a “safe
place” in an otherwise uncaring universe.
However, anything Lunans produce for
their own domestic needs are potential exports to other in-space
communities (orbital hotel complexes and industrial parks for example)
at a cost advantage over similar items made on Earth’s surface. Thus an
initially small lunar market will grow both on and off the Moon,
allowing manufacturers to expand their product lines.
Meanwhile a whole suite of cottage industries may be spawned.
The role of music
We are used to making music with instruments it
may be very hard to produce on the Moon. We will have no wood (we will
want to recycle all waste biomass back into the biosphere), no copper
or brass. However, people are enormously inventive when it comes to
making music. The steel drum has to be my #1 favorite instrument (for
listening, not playing) We will have glass, ceramics, other metals.
Marimbas anyone! Our homegrown instruments will give lunar music a
distinctive sound.
Reinforcing our identification with our new adopted world.
Learning not to fear the Night(span)
No human has ever been on the
Moon at night. unfamiliarity builds fear and timidity. What we fear
most about the two-week long lunar nightspan is just that. It lasts for
14 and three quarter days. That’s a long time to go without the heat,
light, and power of the sun. It requires power storage. For some
strange unfathomable reason, the idea of storing power frightens a lot
of people. This is hard to understand given that our whole civilization
is bases on stored power, whether it be the potential power of water
stored up behind a dam, or the potential power of wood and other
combustible fuels. We seem hell-bent on going to the lunar poles where
solar power may be available 70-80% of the time. But we will still have
to store power for the 20-30% of the time. So why not learn to store
power for 50 % of the time and then we can go anywhere. Fuel Cells and
flywheels and other means are ready to go technologies.
We may still have to conserve power
during nightspan. If we try to reorganize all our mining and
manufacturing operations so that we can sequentially do the power
intensive things during dayspan and the power-light but
manpower-intensive things during nightspan, to the extent that such
sequencing is practical,. we will do just fine. This will create an
operational rhythm that gives most pioneers a welcome bimonthly change
of pace.
Learning to live and work
on Moontime to the beat of the Moon’s own rhythms
Continuing the discussion above, while commerce with Earth would be
ruled by the Earth standard calendar. life on the Moon could follow the
dayspan-nightspan sequence, with each month (or better, “sunth” would
coincide with one dayspan-nightspan cycle, a cycle that will certainly
govern mining and manufacturing. A sunth would be 29.53 days long, so a
sunth-pair would be 59 days, with an added leap hour every 40 days. We
could even schedule “local” weekends to that one would occur during
dayspan when we need to concentrate on productivity, one at the start
of nightspan, one in mid-nightspan, and the 4th just before dawn. What
about weeks. All through history, attempts to assign more or less days
to a week than seven have met with strongly resistance. To keep the
sunths sequencing on time, we could have a free extra day three weeks
out of every eight, and if those were weekend days, I predict there
would be little resistance except from fundamentalists who believe
Earth time pervades the universe.
We have two similar “lunar calendars” in
use on Earth: one Jewish, the other Islamic. No one has figured out a
way to mate lunar years (some with 12 months, some with 13) to match up
with our standard 365.25 day year-based calendar. Actually as 235 lunar
periods equal almost exactly 19 standard years, there is that
concordance. But the simplest thing is to use the Earth standard
calendar to govern commerce and mark years, and the lunar sunth
calendar to govern productive activities. ONe further note: on Earth we
have 24 time zones offset by an hour each. As the Moon turns so slowly,
and dawn at one location can be as much as 24.75 days before or after
dawn at another location, sunth-rhythm based calendars will be purely
local scheduling aids, and Lunans too will use the Earth standard
calendar for marking common dates and events.
Bringing up the first and
future generations of native-born Lunans
The first and future generations of
pioneers actually born on the Moon, or at least growing up on the Moon,
will take the lunar environment for granted. But unlike the situation
facing young people on Earth, they must learn to appreciate the
fragility of lunar settlements, not just with regard to maintaining a
positive trade balance with Earth and other pockets of humanity as may
arise but with regard to maintaining their artificially created
mini-biospheres in good health. For Lunan youth, this will be of much
greater concern ad due attention than it is for us on Earth. While our
environment, suffering from lack of attention and diffidence appears to
be degrading before our eyes, lunar settlement biospheres could hit the
skids and collapse in a much shorter time frame. Inside these oases in
the lunar desert, we will be living essentially downwind and downstream
of ourselves. Our lunar ecosystems will need to be maintained within
relatively unforgiving tolerances. Unless the health of the biosphere
component of our settlements is a factor in the daily life decisions of
all Lunans, the prognosis for long term survival is not good.
It will be essential that all Lunans are
schooled in how the biosphere works and in what we need to do, not just
as a community, but as individuals, to maintain it. Courses
about the biosphere and how group and individual behavior can help or
hurt in keeping it in good operating condition should be started in the
earliest school grade levels, going into greater depth as students
advance. On the moon, there will be a “4th R”, recycling. Proper
recycling begins with proper manufacturing and proper packaging.
Assembly should be in “knock-down” fashion so that unlike components
can easily be recycled separately. Manufactured items embody the energy
of manufacture and elements withdrawn from nature. The less we return
to nature as trash, instead of reusing, the more total energy we will
consume and the more raw material we will throughput, or to
put it bluntly, excrete. Our settlement efficiency index will be a
measure of how little energy we consume and how little we excrete to
achieve a given standard of living. Lunans must never forget that
economic survival is problematic. We are behind the economic eight
ball. We need to make the most out of the least in order to go beyond
survival to the state of thriving. A well-grounded realization that our
are settlements are thriving, will do much to promote a sense of
well-being, that we stand to turn our new world over to the next
generation in good health. To the extent that we get low marks in these
efforts, the rise of neuroses and psychoses may be
The place of youth in all
While many believe we should postpone
procreation on the Moon until we are sure that our offspring will be
healthy, such a position is demonstrably absurd. We cannot know for
sure that native-born Lunans will be hale and healthy until we see that
the children of native born Lunans have no appreciable physical and
health defects. In other words, the only way we can be sure is by
taking the plunge, the sooner the better.
To forbid the first generation of
settlers to raise families would measurably lower their happiness
level, and their satisfaction with life on their new homeworld. It will
also negatively affect the happiness level of the first generation of
older pioneers, for whom grand-parenting is one of the great rewards of
advancing age.
Youth can be entrusted with
environmental chores. Collecting, disassembling, and sorting
recyclables for instance. Picking up and sorting trash is another.
Older children can assemble new artifacts and new toys out of the
disassembled, sorted parts of old ones.
Young people coming of age, say 18,
could be put to work in a universal service core maintaining the life
support systems such as waste water treatment and air refreshing, and
farming duties. This would instill in them an appreciation for what
makes a settlement biosphere works. The greater the fraction of young
people who appreciate such things, the more sure all can be that their
settlement will survive and thrive long past their individual deaths.
In short properly educated youth will mean a greater comfort and sense
of security for all.
The place of retired
people and seniors in all this
In the early days of
outposts-no-yet-settlements, aging frontier volunteers may be “paroled”
to Earth at the end of their “usefulness.” While those in their working
years may not want to “carry” retired or other older citizens, such
attitudes betray a great ignorance about how society works. We’ve all
heard the phrase “it takes a village to raise a child.” Grandparents
and other seniors are a vital part of any such village. Grandparents
can help raise children while parents are busy working in jobs that
produce income-earning exports. The personal knowledge and wisdom that
seniors have to impart is a vital complement to what teachers do. And
there are light chores seniors can do to free younger people for more
productive roles. They can do the lion’s share of needed clerical work:
bookkeeping, database work, communications: the list goes on. This
helps rather than hurts the overall efficiency of an all-generation
Seniors in general are happier than
those of middle age. They are more satisfied with their lives and
achievements. They have a better sense of what, when all is said and
done, really counts in life. Without them, a settlement would soon be
adrift. They are anchors.
The place of pets and
“urban wildlife”
The latest evidence tracing the
mitochondria trail, is that wolves transitioned to dogs in just one
place, somewhere in east asia, about 15,000 years ago. Those wolves
who, on spotting a human, fled out of caution from the trash dumps of
early stone age villages got less food than those who were less fearful
of humans. They got to produce more offspring. Humans in turn selected
for more and more tame animals.
Early dogs allowed Siberians, Eskimos
and Innuit to settle the high arctic. They allowed mountain-dwellers to
tame mountain sheep and goats. Their bark created an early warning
system and dogs quickly spread by trade to all peoples around the
world. Wolves became dogs as Cro-Magnon peoples became human.
The growing percentage of people who
rent housing from landlords who do not allow pets, is producing an ever
larger percentage of youth growing up with no appreciation of these
humanized companions. Is there a place for dogs, cats, and other pets
on the Moon?
There will be challenges to be sure. I
remember seeing a cartoon with a dog in a spacesuit lifting its left
over a lunar boulder. But to those who accept them, challenges become
There can be no doubt about the
psychological benefits of pet ownership. The benefits for seniors is
well-documented. Such seniors live longer, happier, more fulfilled
lives than those who do not have pets, and are much less prone to
depression and loneliness. In young people, pet dogs who love so
unquestioningly, bring out the good social qualities, fostering
empathy, compassion and consideration for others.
The question is how they will fit in
within size and resource-restricted space frontier settlements. But
only those who have not had the fortune to be loved by a pet can
question that we will find a way. Speaking for myself, I would not sign
up as a pioneer if my right to have a pet was at risk. I cannot imagine
in a petless situation being as totally happy with life as I am now.
As to urban wildlife, some are pests,
others not. We would miss a lot in a settlement with no butterflies, no
birds, no fish, no squirrels. I believe we can share our frontier
spaces with carefully selected species, with the balance between
advantages and drawbacks decidedly in the positive. If only neutered
animals were released into the ecosystem and/or to private ownership,
with all breeding stock being securely isolated, there would be no
danger of runaway populations.
Temporary Conclusions
We make no claim to have “covered” the
field of possible mental health issues and adjustment issues that will
affect future lunar settlers, Lunans. But we trust that this is a good
start. Some things we have not touched upon, but have affected pioneers
throughout human history, is the recurrent emotions relating to places
and people they have left behind, including friends and relatives. But
issues like these have already been widely studied and there is little
unique in the lunar frontier situation to warrant bringing them up
Inevitably, some pioneers will fail to
make a healthy transition and may need to return to their home world.
For future new Lunans this will be much easier, and much cheaper, than
for future new Martians. But otherwise, much of what we have suggested
above will also apply to pioneers on Mars, “mutatis mutandis.”