Workshop Agenda
The agenda of the workshop is under development and open to
constructive suggestions from any and all interested groups and
individuals. The following is a starter list with no attempt at
logical sequence or likely breakout into working groups.
- Capacity of Website needed (very large)
- Selection of a Web Server, Webmaster and crew
- Funds for maintaining the website
- Preliminary website structure
- "Departments" and "Schools" within U-Luna Project
- Faculty, reporting protocols, nominal "salaries"
- Backup strategies for uncompleted tasks
- Publication of the Website
- Graduate level "recruitment"
- U-Luna Project publications
- Intellectual Property of U-Luna Project assisted developments
of methodologies and technologies; Licenses, Royalties
- Initial Board of Directors - starter list
- Initial Board of Advisors - starter list
- Initial Board of Governors - starter list
- Corporate Sponsors and Endowments
- Cooperative MOUs with other Space interest organizations -
Charter Memberships
- Cooperative MOUs with various leading space research
Universities - Charter Memberships
- Cooperative MOUs with various Industrial companies and
consortia - Charter Memberships
- Adaptation of the existing Space Research Matrix for
keeping track of R&D work completed, work in progress, work
needing (basic/additional) attention
- Initial timetable goals. Reports at successive ISDCs
- Use of the ISDC as venue for the U-Luna Project and Friends of
U-Luna ProjecÝ annual meetings
- Research Scholarships
- An Open List of Invited Parties
- (Charter Member Co-hosts)
- The Lunar Reclamation Society, Milwaukee
- The Moon Society, Plano, TX
- Lunar National Agricultural Experiment -LUNAX
(Charter Memberships Offered to:)
(listed in alphabetical order)
- American Lunar Society
- Institute of Lunar Technology
- Institute for Teleoperation, Portland
- Lunar Enterprise Association
- Oregon L5 Society, Portland
- Oregon Moonbase, Portland/Bend
- Space Studies Institute, Princeton NJ
- Students for the Exploration & Development of Space -
- Other Moon-interested NSS Chapters
- Any and all other parties who would like to participate in
this ISDC '98 Workshop