Ever Improving Moon Miners' Manifesto
Since the fall of 1995 when MMM began to serve Artemis Society International starting with issue # 90, we have made many improvements aimed at making MMM a better vehicle for ASI, and since July 2000, for the Moon Society (ASI's successor for Member Services.)
If you have any suggestions for content, format, features, or any other aspect of MMM that would help us meet these goals, please contact us. The real need is a steady flow of progress reports that convince the reader that the Moon Society is growing and doing things, and that it is worth his/her time and money to remain a member, and possibly become an active member. This is the bottom line, and we need help from anywhere! In the meantime, taking advantage of the Society's new byline, "Private Enterprise on the Moon", we are filling these pages with articles and reports that play to that cue and a new Chapter & Outpost Frontier section Still in the planning stages is an online subject index using a search engine geared to key word metatags in the online articles. "MMM the Book?" - We have been getting querries of this nature for over twenty years. Our stock answer has been that we would have to quit putting out MMM the Newsletter to find the time needed to produce MMM the Book. However, our Classics, Themes, and Glossary projects are helping us to organize material from which a book could be published. We do have an interested publisher. That said, no promises, no predictions. But a tentative title: "A Pioneer's Guide to the Moon" kokhmmm@aol.com