Through the years, our principal projects have been putting out
10 issues of Moon Miners' Manifesto per year, now in our 28th
year, producing MMM byproducts such as the MMM Classic
Files, the MMM Theme Collections, a
number of MMM-derived papers, The MMM
Glossary, and The Cue Images Library
on behalf of the Moon Society and the National Space Society
We have also endeavored to produce ever more display
items for use at local outreach events and at the
various International Space Development Conferences.
We also built an online Clearing
House for Moon Society Chapter & Outpost Outreach
Materials on the Space
Chapter Hub website.
- Flyers
& Brochures: producing
them for our own use but available to other chapters also - In
Ocotber, 2002, we began uploading to the Space
Chapter Hub website, flyers
pdf form that other Moon Society Chapters & Outposts
could use. Also transparencies.
- MMM spin-off Products e.g. an
anthology of articles from past issues of Moon Miners'
Manifesto that deal with for-profit enterprise, both leading
up to a commercial moonbase, and carrying us from that
threshhold into civilian industrial settlement. Under
discussion (October 2002 ff.) by the Lunar Reclamation Society
Board, is a possible project to scan all past issues (intact)
(as image files) onto CDs and make them available for a price
at LunarTraders.com.
- Plans & Instructions
"how-to-make-your-own-tabletop-moonbase" with item
procurement hints, in both hardcopy and in downloadable form
on this website. Meanwhile, we have uploaded full illustrated
step by step instructions on how to make a set of Earth>Mars>Moon
Bricks, and a similar set of instructions for the
easier, cheaper Earth>Mars>Moon
We also experimented with waterglass based "paints"
that could be produced on the Moon for pioneer artists to use.
See also Lunar-Apropriate
Media Pioneers - LAAMP
And, assisting Dave Dunlop, we endeavored to trailblaze
technologies for growing plants on the Moon: the LUNAX
LIST (for too long)
small portable telescope, and a collapsible free standing rack
to hold literature about the Artemis Project and our Moon
Society Outpost, sample copies of Artemis Magazine.
with spare subscription forms, and so on. A 12" globe of the
Moon is at our disposal and would make a nice complement.
- What: all equipment chosen and/or designed to fit
in a car trunk and be taken out in the field whenever
clear skies, a volunteer, and the Moon were all available.
- Where: busy urban places are
fine as dark skies are not needed to see the Moon well. A
movie theater parking lot (when a good science fiction film is
showing) might be promising. We should choose safe, busy spots
(not secluded parks!)
- When: the eight day stretch,
from four days before half moon (first quarter) to about four
days after, offers the most satisfying views, showing craters
and mountains in good relief and contrast in prime time
evening hours. The dates will shift with each calendar month.
- Why: most people have never
looked at the Moon through a telescope and are amazed to see
craters and mountains so clearly. This drives home the
realization that they are looking at more than a bright light
in the sky, at another world.
- How: if room in the info rack
was provided for brochures and flyers of the Lunar Reclamation
Society, LRS would pick up the tab for all up front costs of
the sidewalk astronomy setup.
& PROJECTS (2013>>)
√ AGING MEMBERSHIPS - We are concerned with the
aging of our membership and our apparent inability to
attract younger persons. All established associations
are having this problem of not being able to communicate with and
spread our enthusiasm to young people. We are exploring a variety
of approaches, media, and lures in an attempt to turn this tide
√ GETTING OUT THE WORD - if the old ways
don't work any more, then we must try new ways.
- The Milwaukee Lunar Reclamation Society, which has not been
able to host an outreach event in some years now is trying a
new "avenue" of communications - No, not Facebook, or
Twitter - which, if they attract anyone serious,
not just flirtatious, are not effective on the local home
front as they are global in reach.
- Instead we have begun testing the waters of another internet
Medium, one which per se is localizing, aimed at
people within a short geographical radius: MEET-UP.
So we put up our local Milwaukee
Space Exploration Meetup page and within a
few days we had attracted a half dozen enthused people we
never would have met by the usual means of outreach. Meetup
focuses your efforts.
- We will also use our new Meetup to organize outreach events,
Yuri's Night 2014 to begin with. MLRS has not had a successful
outreach event in some years!!
- First we put up a webpage, Space-Milwaukee.com
which attempts to list all the local space and astronomy
focused organizations, faciliites, and relevant research on
local campuses. This page will hopefully become more complete
with time.
- We are hoping these two initiatives will revitalize our
chapter, and make it more effective than at any time in the
- We will be sharing our experiences with this new combo
(Space-Milwaukee.com and Milwaukee Space Exploration Meetup)
with other NSS and TMS chapters.
STAY TUNED: MLRS is 27 years old, and suddenly
feeling younger than ever!
CONTACT: Peter Kokh, kokhmmm
@ aol.com - 414-342-0705 (7 am-9 pm Central Time)