About the
Trademark: We developed what turned out to be a very productive
way of conducting our brainstrorming workshops.
NOTE: About the
Trademark - ™
- These workshops work great for groups of 5-20 people
- Depending on the number of participants, after an introduction to the
overall topic and challenge for the workshop, we break up into 2 or 3
working groups. each with their own subtopic, 3-8 people each.
- After a couple of hours of group brainstorming (a leader at each round
table keeps notes, as well as gathers contact information), we meet as a
whole, and the leader from each group tells all the inevitably
surprising and exciting results each group has come up with.
Participants are amazed and delighted.
- After the leaders submit their reports, a write-up of the workshop is
published in Moon Miners' Manifesto and circulated to each of the
eleven workshops we conducted during this period
- You can read the reports in the linked PDF Files
- ISDC '93 Huntsville - Asteroid Base Workshop [MMMs #
- ISDC '94 Toronto - Space Tourism Workshop [MMMs #
- First Contact '94 Milwaukee - Seabed Analogs for Space
Habitats [no records]
- First Contact '95 Milwaukee - Commercial Moonbase
[MMM # 91]
- First Contact '96 Milwaukee - Lavatube Use Workshop [no
- First Contact '97 Milwaukee - Europa Workshop II
[MMM # 110]
- Duckon '97, Chicago - Europa Workshop I [not
trabscribed] - MMR #34 p14 (hardcopy only)
- ISDC '98 in Milwaukee - Europa Workshop III
[no records]
- ISDC '98 in Milwaukee - “Space Frontier Fiction” Writers
- ISDC '98 in Milwaukee - A "Solar System
Economic Geography Textbook Binder" [no records]
- ISDC '98 in Milwaukee - Founding "U-LuCy",
the University of Luna in Cyberspace
- Moon Society Organizing Conference, LasVegas 2000 - Lunar
Building Materials [no records]