Wecome Packet


The Moon Society Welcome Packet
for New
Members & Visitors

updated 01/20/2009 - new material added


Membership Benefits

  • A subscription to the Moon Miners' Manifesto, which includes the Moon Society Journal section.
    MMM is available as hardcopy sent to your mailbox, and/or as a pdf file that you can download
  • Members can also download copies of Selenology, the quarterly of our affiliate, The American Lunar Society
  • For new members: 
  • The Artemis Project™ Reference Mission poster (a $9.95 value)
  • Map of the Moon's Nearside showing the Apollo and Luna Landing Sites.
  • A copy of Andrew Chaikin's A Man on the Moon, as long as our supply lasts 
  • Participate in the events of a local chapter or outpost of the Moon Society in your area
  • Help in starting a chapter with other space enthusiasts in your area, upon request
  • Eligibility to join the NASA Federal Credit Union and take advantage of their full line of banking services
  • Get in on the Action -- Join one of our Project Teams
  • Discounts on Moon Society cosponsored conferences (National Space Society's International Space Development Conference = ISDC)
  • Discounts on books from Univelt publishers
  • Access to the members-only mailing list and members-only area of the Moon Society website
  • Access to the members-only ASI MOO online meeting environment
  • Special offers available only to members of the Moon Society
  • Starting January 1, 2009, all members who renew for the first time will be mailed a Certificate of Continuing Membership. All those who have previously renewed, will also get one when they renew during 2009. We do thank you for your continuing support of our efforts to advance the establishment of a human frontier on the Moon.
  • Meeting and working with others in promoting humanity's return to the Moon
  • The satisfaction of knowing you're making it happen!
  • Brochures & Flyers about the Moon Society

    The Moon Society: Who We Are & What We Do
    download 2-sided flyer] [download tri-fold 2-sided brochure]

    Exploring the Moon Society Website
    download 2-sided flyer]

    Keeping in Touch
    download 1-sided flyer]

    Many Ways to be an Active Member (U.C.)

    Improving your Familiarity with the Moon (U.C.)

    The Moon Society Brochure for ISDC 2005


    Brochures, Flyers, Announcements about the Moon & Mars

    "Mars is in our Field of View" brochure - (PDF - revised and expanded 5-17-05)

    Lunar & Martian Frontiers will have Much in Common (2-sided) (PDF)

    Moon Society - Mars Society: Collaboration & Joint Project Areas (2-sided) (PDF)

    Mars in Moon Miners' Manifesto (2-sided) (PDF)

    Moon Society opposes any Congressional ban on spending for "humans to Mars" programs


    Moon Society White Papers

    2004.03.15 - The Moon: Why and How we Should Return

    2004.03.15 - The Hubble Space Telescope and the Future of Space-Based Astronomy in Light of a Return to the Moon


    Slide Show Presentations

    Artemis Moonbase Sim I (2 week Moon Society Crew Exercise at Mars Desert Research Station in Utah, February 26 - March 11, 2006) PowerPoint Slide Show: Download this 12.8 mb production graciously created for us by one of our mission volunteer CapComs, Gerry Williams of Mars Society San Diego.
    Or Download the pdf file version of this slide show.

    Analog Moonbase Proposal V. 1.02 12/10/2006
    PowerPoint Slide Show | PDF file Slide Show



    On our Download Center you will find many things to dowload, from select newsletter issues to bookmarks and calendars and preeentations.


    Affiliation Agreement between The Moon Society and The National Space Society, signed 5/22/2005



    Lunar Study & Observing Certificate Program


    Visit the Moon Society elsewhere on the Web

    MySpace - Facebook- Yahoo Group - Change.org

    Google Group - Railroading on the Moon & Mars
    (a collaboration between the Moon Society &


    Maximizie your membership experience!

    You will find more tips on our Vistors' Page


    Do you have suggestions for items to be included in our Welcome Packet?






    Copyright © 2000-2009 The Moon Society. All Rights Reserved.
    Questions and comments to: webmaster@moonsociety.org

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