Milwaukee Lunar
Reclamation Society
- MLRS will supply speakers for various events in the
Greater Milwaukee area.
- For talks outside the Milwaukee County Transit Service
Area, transpotation must be provided or paid for.e
- Gratuities are
not expected, but donations to help further our outreach
activities are welcome.
Speakers and the things they like to talk about
Peter Kokh (414) 342-0705 kokhmmm@aol.com
(7am-9pm Central Time)
Talks: The
- Common Myths about the Moon
- Clean Energy from the Moon to wipe out poverty and save
our environment
- The Moon: From Outposts to Settlements
- Living of the Moon: Resourcefulness is the Key to Lunar
- Home, home on the Moon: underground for safety, but with
the Sun and the views - and without Spacesuits
- Expanding a Lunar Outpost with made-on-Luna additions
- The "Magnificent Desolation" - outdoors on the Moon
- Living with the Moon's month-long day
- Beyond Biosphere II: establishing mini-biospheres on the
Moon and Mars.
- Living downwind and downstream from themselves, pioneers
don't dare pollute
- The Xity: beyond Earth's atmosphere, Cities will be
radically different institutions
- "Regolith Impressionism": Paints Lunar Settlers can make
from moondust
- Towards a distinctive Lunar Culture: customs, calendar,
holidays, arts, sports, etc.
- The Commercial route to Opening up the Moon
- Social lessons for Earth that may come out of the Lunar
frontier experience
- Breaking out of "Cradle Earth", viable exclaves of
humanity and Earth-life
- Toward an Earth-Moon Economy: diversification of lunar
- Prinzton: a design study for a 3,000 person Lunar
- The Moon's Hidden Valleys: lavatube shangrilas
- Beyond the Hubble Space Telescope: advantages of
observatories on the Moon
- Amateur Astronomy from the Moon and Elsewhere
- Arts & Crafts on the Moon
- U-LuCy: The University of Luna in Cyberspace
Prepared Talks:
- Moon versus Mars: what should be our priorities and
- The Exploration of Mars: let's not go until we are ready
to do it right!
- The Colonization of Mars: making a second home for man on
the red planet
- Towards a distinctive Martian Culture: calendar, holidays,
arts & crafts, sports, etc.
- Mars' More Earthlike past: where did all the water go?
- Red Mars-Green Mars-Blue Mars: "terraforming" Mars vs.
"rejuvenating" it
- Earth-Moon-Mars Triangle of Trade: making the economics
- Pioneering on Mars: Yolk Sac Mentality &
Resourcefulness are the Keys to Mars Settlement
- Home sweet home on Mars: underground for safety, but with
the Sun and the views
- Mars' Hidden Valleys: lavatube Shangrilas
- Expanding a Martian Outpost with made-on-Mars additions
- Life on Mars with and without Spacesuits
- Tourism to Mars, direct and via Venus, Cycling Mars-run
Prepared Talks: Elsewhere
in the Solar System
- Island Cities in Space: the Vision of
Gerard O'Neill
- Venus: this "hellish" planet may not be
totally off-limits
- Mercury: why its closeness to the Sun
could be an asset
- Resources from the Asteroids and Dormant
- Europa: the water moon of Jupiter: the
mysteries of its ice-covered ocea
- Titan: mysterious and exotic giant moon
of Saturn
- The Economic Geography of the Solar System
Prepared Talks: Commercial
- Commercial Space Opportunities, on Earth and out there,
now and coming up
- Tourism in Space I: suborbital hops; orbital hotels;
loop-the-Moon excursions
- Tourism in Space II: on the Moon, to Mars, the rings and
moons of Saturn
Prepared Talks: Beyond
the Solar System
- Will Humans Ever Reach the Stars?
- Could Earth have been visited by other intelligent races?