Moon Society
at the National
Space Society's
Space Development Conference
Washington, DC
(special hotel rates on this page)
1001 16th Street NW
Book by May 7th
May 29 - June 1, 2008
"Since The Moon Society is a formal Affiliate for the conference, Moon Society members can register at NSS member rates. Some evidence of that affiliation with the Affiliate organization should probably be brought to the Registration Desk, even if just a printout of the e-mail confirm of last annual renewal <365 days from conference."
If you would like to attend ISDC 2008, let us know and we will supply you with confirmation of your membership in the Moon Society so you can save $25 off the cost of registration,
Need a Roomate?
For Moon Society Members
and Friends, we will have our own
A Moon Society Hospitality Suite, with refreshments
To promote mutual
acquaintance and association, we will sponsor
A Moon Society Reception-Mixer, probably on Friday
You can help plan our participation in this conference at our monthly online Town Meetings, the 4th Wednesday each month, starting in January, 2008 on the 23rd, on the ASI-MOO, our unique chat environment: 9-11 pm ET, 8-10 pm CT, 7-9 pm MT, 6-8 pm PT. For those in Europe, that equals 2-3 am the Thursday after UT (Britain, etc.)
In the planning stages:
- supplemental Moon Society ID tags
- Moon Society exhibits
- Moon Society literature
- Several key presentations
It goes without saying that Moon Society members are free to choose to take in other events that may be scheduled for the same time slot as our own special events. There are always multiple things going on at the same time at an ISDC.
The Moon Society is helping find speakers for the Moon Track and for the Space-Based Solar Power track.
If you would like to help man our hospitality room or help out in other ways, please contact Moon Society President, Peter Kokh or Moon Society Director of Project Development, David A. Dunlop, both of whom are registered for the conference and will be speaking.
If you would like to share a room with another Moon Society member in order to minimize costs, please contact either one of us, noting whether or not you need a bed to yourself, or are willing to share a bed, whether you require smoking or nonsmoking. No promises, but we will do our best to find you a match. The earlier we get your request the greater the chance of finding you a match.
ISDC 2008 looms as an deal opportunity for Moon Society members to gather and get to know one another.
Registration rates go up January 1, 2008, so if you can commit, you can save money by registering by December 31, 2007.
For updates on the Moon Society Program for ISDC 2008, bookmark this page and revisit it periodically
For updates on ISDC 2008, visit the official ISDC 2008 website.
A new Yahoo Message Board has been generated for those who desire to find a roommate for the ISDC 2008 event.You can also exchange ISDC tickets and airline tickets if you are not able to go.
Please remember that nothing should be sold on this message board! Only donated to those in need!
The main purpose of the message board is to find roommates to aleviate the cost of lodging.
Please visit the following URL: strongly urge you to do your research and verify to whom you are making arragements with online.
Ask questions! Get verification ahead of time!Please note that you must have a Yahoo account to join the group and to participate in the discussions.
Setting up a Yahoo account is easy
Happy Hunting!
Veronica Ann Zabala