Coordinated Projects - an open source online encyclopedia of all things lunar, a Moon Society initiative
note, this is a young project begun January, 2007. Please feel free to contribute articles.

Data Mining Projects

Examining data from past missions for new knowledge, sometimes with the aid of improved software that has the effect of improving the resolution

Examples: using altimetry data to identify contiguous areas of easy, and progressively more difficult traverse with the goal of identifying logical transportation corridors on the lunar globe; overlaying data from different instruments to find clues not present in the data of either alone.

Spin-Up Enterprises

Pre-developing a technology needed on the Moon for the sake of profitable terrestrial applications

Examples: glass-glass composites, sealed bearings, silicone lubricants that perform at thermal extremes

Masters & Doctoral Theses

On research issues previously or inadequately addressed

Examples: robot team mapping of subsurface lavatubes; dust-repellent materials for spacesuits, boots

Engineering Competitions

Field testing new mechanisms and equipment for performance

Examples: new mobile suspension systems, new motors and engines that run on fuels that can be locally produced; finding the most efficient and trouble free teleoperable shielding emplacement systems

Design Competitions

Designing modular architecture languages, modular biospherics systems. There are an endless number of things needing design

Example: turtleback spacesuits (the back shell secures to a conferral airlock as the wearer backs up, the shell opens into the pressurized interior, and the wearer reaches up inside and above the airlock to grab a rail and pull him/herself inside the habitat. The lock closes and the empty suit is removed automatically to an external closet.)

Lunar Analog Activities

At various locations picked for topography, geology, or simple logistical convenience, we can provide ideal inexpensive conditions for field-testing equipment, devices, procedures, etc.

They will be ideal places for carrying on Engineering Competitions

Analog activity is a way to involve students at all levels, as well as professional researchers and technology entrepreneurs.

Analog sites will thus play a major role in helping advance needed technologies towards maturity.

Many people are familiar with the Mars Society's analog stations on Devon Island and in Utah. After becoming familiar with MDRS with actual crew and crew command experience, we have determined that there are major differences between the goals and ideal architectures of lunar and Martian analog programs.

The University of Luna Project will endeavor to coordinate all such activities and keep the parties involved in mutual contact.

A Modular Architecture Approach to a Lunar Analog Station -- PowerPoint -- PDF Slide Sow

Goals of Mars and Lunar Analog Rearch Station Programs not the same

Breakthrough Workshops

Gathering experts in a cutting edge area of technology with the task of identifying areas for further development

Example: pushing the envelop of human-robot synergies

Curricula Development

Developing open-source research-focused curricula to be used by any university or college, designed to challenge and engage students and also produce fresh results of value.

Example: The LUNAX (LUnar National Agricultural eXperiment corporation) experiments of the early 1990s that enlisted science and ag-science teachers to have students test varying lighting regimes to give clues as to how best to nurse various crops through the two-week long lunar nightspan with the least energy inputs so that they not only survived, but went on to eventual harvest.


For Questions or suggestions, write - Updated 04/09/2007