The University of Luna Project is the creation of Moon Society President Peter Kokh and Moon Society Director of Project Development David A. Dunlop, and designed to operate as an independent entity [ This follows suite with the creation of and by Moon Society leaders Michael Delaney and James Gholston as autonomous spin-off entities.]

Officers -
To be elected





Legal Counsel



Board of Directors - To be elected

David A. Dunlop, Chairman of the Board and Executive Director, Moon Society Director of Project Development, Cofounder of The University of Lunar Project

Board of Advisors -
Invitations being sent out

Peter Kokh Chairman of the Board of Advisors
Moon Society President
Cofounder of The University of Luna Project
Board of Advisors, National Space Society

David Schrunk

Lead Author of "The Moon: Resources, Future Development, and Colonization"

Madhu Thangavelu

Conductor Space Concepts Studio
Dept. Of Aerospce and Mechanical Engineering &
School Of Architecture
University of Southern California

T.D. Lin

Retired researcher for the Portland Cement Association; principal researcher into concrete as an in situ lunar building material

Steve Durst

Publisher Space Age Publications, Lunar Enterprise Daily, Stanford on the Moon Project, International Lunar Obbservatory Association



Department Boards (See Departments page) - TBD



Academic Contacts

Corporate Contacts

Agency Contacts

Enterprise Contacts

U-Luna-Project Homework-Workshop
For answers to additional questions about our Organization, write
Updated 06/17/2007